Spotto Your Dream: HR panel van 

Looking – to my eye – like a retro ad for earthworks or something similar, I had to turn around after this scene caught my eye, and I had finished internally processing the image, so I could take a photo. A Holden HR panel van is on my pipedream list of cars to own (mainly so I can call it HR Puff’n’stuff, har har, which may not be a very original thought), so finding one in a great industrial site was my catch of the day. 

Fujifilm X30, edited with Snapseed app. 

Once Were Warriors: GM Maple Leaf truck


This rusted old truck might once have been someone’s road warrior, valiantly taking to its tasks of hauling loads of produce to markets, building supplies for the neighbour’s new cottage, or shy teenagers to a country dance. Now it sits forlornly in the scrub, a far cry from its glory days.

Pleasure of Lines: drawing you in


Often, it isn’t until later that I understand why a scene or image draws my eye. Looking at this photo I took yesterday I now see the slope of the roof echoes the slope of the ute’s windscreen, and the line of fence posts lead the eye into the photo then up the chimney.

Shot with the Olympus OM-D E-M5 using 35mm Canon FD f 2.8 in grainy black and white art mode.

Tour T’Adelaide 2015: Harrow Hillclimb hatchback

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Who doesn’t love a hatchback Torana, especially when it’s roaring up the hills of our usually-sleepy village? This year the Tour T’Adelaide organisers included a hillclimb event for their group to undertake on their tour from Melbourne to Adelaide. The participating vehicles varied from classic Mustangs to late-model WRXes, Lancers, and one new Mustang that overshot a corner and was stopped by a tree. Them’s the, ahem, brakes, eh?