Harrow Transport Museum: (almost)the last one out 

Brothers Don and Ray Pyers of Harrow are well known for their love of old cars, and for some time had a number from their own car collection on display at Harrow Transport Museum. With the museum being cleared out over recent months, I was fortunate to be passing by the day the last of their collection was being moved into alternative storage. This 1908 vehicle, restored by Don a few years ago, was put on a trailer and driven away only half an hour later. I’m so glad I didn’t miss this opportunity! 

Little Red Tiara: checking out a Japanese classic 

You all know I’m a car nut – have been since I was knee-high to a Matchbox car. Well, today on the phone my man told me about a little red car that I should go and see, so after finishing my lunch I did just that. 

This early ’60s Toyota Tiara has been owned by a local mechanic for a decade or so, but he finally decided to let it go to someone who might actually get around to restoring it. Happily, it was purchased from a nearby town, so hopefully we’ll see it around again. 

Check out the dash…push button auto! But where are the turn indicators? This tricky bit of design actually has them integrated with the horn ring. Beep beep tick tack!

Ballarat Swap Meet: things for me!

I don’t usually come home with anything much besides photos and sunburn from the swap meet, but this year I bought a vintage reel of cotton for a current quilt project, some old chrome side mirrors (not shown) for another home project, and a handsome timber ironing board.
Panasonic Lumix DMC GX7 with 14-140mm lens. Collage created with Pixlr app.

People of Harrow: trooper Bruce 

That big bloke through the window there is Bruce, a local farmer who is a natural with horses; for twenty years he and his horse (or rather, one horse or another) have been volunteering to appear in the renowned Sound and Light Show. The show re-enacts (and, no doubt, embellishes upon) Harrow’s historic past, and Bruce’s trooper is a show favourite, especially when the horse appears outside the Hermitage Hotel to meet members of the audience. It’s a great night out, where you’re guaranteed a good feed of historically-inspired tucker while you learn about Harrow’s early history in a hilarious, rollicking show. 

Panasonic Lumix DMC GX7 with 20mm f1.7 lens. In camera monochrome filter used; edited with Snapseed app.