The Hoarder’s Collection: chainsaw fuel

Folks, I live with a bit of a hoarder: he has grown up with a “keep that, you might need it one day” ethos that many rural farmers have, and it proves useful more often than I’d care to admit! You see, I don’t have a lot of vision, so if I can’t clearly see a use for something right now then I’m likely to move it on. 

Consequently, I sometimes go “garage saling” in our shed when I’m looking for something that might suit my needs. Last night I found some wire crates to cover newly-planted seedlings with (sheep are undiscerning weeders), and spotted this collection of old jerry cans; they looked so appealing, I went back to the house for my camera. 

Panasonic Lumix DMC GX7 with Panasonic-Leica 45mm f2.8. 

Bespoke Handmade Book: ‘Looking Down’


Given that my paid employment involves handling hundreds of books every week in a public library, it isn’t surprising that book creation is part of my favourite hobby, and is a great way to curate a collection of photos. Over the years I have used Blurb’s and Mixbook’s online on-demand print services, and been very happy with the process and results of each – it’s a method that satisfies my craving for a professional-looking product, and I particularly enjoy the design element.

At other times, a bespoke, handmade book is even more fun, particularly for giving on special occasions. On the occasion of a friend’s recent retirement, I created a tiny concertina book, Looking Down: photographs by Melanie Y’lang, that fits inside a vintage hinged cigarette tin; the tin forms the cover and protects the book entirely, while providing a firm structure for sitting it on a shelf as a sculptural object.

It was a fun and therapeutic process, from measuring up the tin and creating a design on my computer, to printing the pages on watercolour paper with my Epson printer and assembling the book. And best of all, my friend loves it!

Tiny Cabinet Minister: the things I make my dog do


Walking around the remnants of a recent auction, I stopped before this old record player cabinet and wondered how to shoot it. Looking around for ideas, my Italian Greyhound leapt immediately into my mind, if not into my arms. But with some coaxing, I got him to sit in the record player slot for a couple of minutes, before he got too antsy and got out – right after I took this photo. What a little trooper!

Panasonic Lumix GX7 with 20mm f1.7 lens, in-camera Dynamic Monochrome filter. Mild editing and border added with Snapseed app.