Good Ole Days: 2016 Day on the Course


Today I spent a few hours at Edenhope Racecourse at my car club’s annual show, the Good Ole Boys Day on the Course. With over a hundred cars and bikes entered, it was as good a turnout there as I’ve seen.
This little Humber Vogue has been previously and, though it’s no Super Snipe, is one of my favourites.

All The Things! Edenhope Antiques


With a few free hours, I went with a friend to Edenhope Antiques to try out her new camera, a Canon G3X; that is, she tried it out, while I made do with my humble Fujifilm X30. Not to worry, though, since I love this little camera – it lacks the sharpness and low light capabilities of my Panasonic GX7 with the 20mm f1.7 attached, but that’s to be expected. What it lacks in ultimate image quality, it makes up for with more convenient size and variability in a handsome form.
I only saved a handful of photos from the trash can on my screen, and even knowing how much sharper and cleaner they would have been if taken with the Panasonic, I’m happy with the imperfections.

Fujifilm X30 with in-camera custom black and white (red filter) setting; I applied a mild vignette and border with Snapseed app on my phone.

Edenhope’s Hidden Treasure: wildflowers at the old cricket ground

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A friend and fellow wildflower-hunter recently reminded me to check the old cricket grounds at Edenhope to see what was on show, so I headed down for a look with another friend and her dogs. I was pleased to find plenty of flowering bush peas (top left), an abundance of golden moths orchidĀ (Diuris basaltica – top centre and bottom left), milk maids (Burchardia umbellata – centre left), twining fringe-lily (Thysanotus patersonii – bottom right), plus plenty of cape tulip (a pretty, prolific weed).

A Day at the Races: Ford focus

I attended the local horse race at the weekend, through no fault of my own. Each time the horses were on the gallop, I was nowhere near them, until I tired of being with (the very pleasant) people and wandered back to the car to read for a while. Which gave me better access with no crowd to wade through, and IĀ got this shot – naturally, a motor vehicle was the main focus!

Until I got this close, I had no idea jockeys make cries like angry crows, or tennis players, while giving it a crack. Their horse, that is, with the crop. What a peculiar occupation.

This photo was cropped, and given a treatment with Pixlr. The next photo was processed on my phone using Vignette app for Android, for a quite different retro feel.

Please click images to view full size.
