Edgars State Forest: wintry summer walk


Sometimes I don’t feel like going for a walk on the roads close to home, so this track a few kilometres west of Harrow is another favourite, especially after rain when the scent of the native bushland is magnified. This photo, taken after a wintry summer’s day, reminds me of walks taken long ago through dripping pine forests near where I grew up. I was recently reminded of these times when I got in touch with a kindhearted man who gave me art lessons back then, and showed showed me new perspectives on art, life, music and cooking.

Fletcher Jones Gardens: light in the gloom


You camera collectors out there, you know that feeling when you use a camera with IQ that’s less than you like, but nevertheless surprises you with how good it is considering? That, coupled with an utterly joyous shooting experience is why I love my imperfectly perfect Fujifilm X10 compact camera.
This image was shot with in-camera black and white film simulation mode, and slight contrast and structure adjustments applied in Snapseed app.

Abandoned Caravan Window: the ghost within


Sometimes we make images that capture far more than seemed to be present in the originally viewed scene: in editing this photo in the Snapseed app, the main subject seemed to me to be the curtain, hung precisely in the middle of this abandoned caravan’s window, and its ghostly quality like that of a long-ago girl’s petticoat.