Fossicking in Goldtown: flighty raven 

Walking past a laneway in Ballarat, a fossicking raven grabbed my attention. When I grabbed my camera and crept up on him, he flew up in calm alarm (really!) and flapped around without seeming desperate to leave. 

Fujifilm X30 with in-camera PRO Neg. Hi film simulation. 

Winter Morning Beauty: bejewelled leaf

As I prepared to leave for work, this fallen leaf outside my window caught my eye. I grabbed my camera, with macro lens already attached, on the way out and fired off two shots before getting in the car – this was the second one. 

Panasonic Lumix DMC GX7 with Panasonic Leica 45mm macro lens and in-camera low key filter. Cropped and border applied in Snapseed app. 

About Italian Greyhounds: don’t get one!

Ten years ago I made the mistake of buying an Italian Greyhound, and have been ruing that day ever since. Oh, he’s wonderful in so many ways, and dreadful in precisely two, both of which are about the bottom end: (1) he gobbles up cat poo like it’s his favourite hot meal, and (2) he’d much rather empty his bladder and bowels in the house than in the spacious garden. And, going on what I’ve read quite extensively about the breed, it’ll go on like this until he passes mercifully on. 

Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not wishing him an early death – at least, not when he’s not peeing and pooping in the house – but I’m being a realist. You couldn’t convince me to take on another, and I heartily suggest you don’t, either.

Thankfully, with extreme vigilance these horrors can be minimised, and luckily for him that he does strike a damn fine pose.

Panasonic Lumix DMC GX7 with Panasonic Leica 45mm macro lens and in-camera Dynamic Monochrome filter. 

Regenerating the Cracks: pondering the gifts of not getting what you want 

Oftentimes, not getting what you don’t need is almost as good as getting what you need. That happened for me today, when what I wanted didn’t work out, and it was a bitter pill. But I know that, before long, new life will come to regenerate the cracks that have appeared, and I’ll adapt to the changing landscape of my life. That’s how we evolve into better versions of ourselves.