Fletcher Jones Gardens: light in the gloom


You camera collectors out there, you know that feeling when you use a camera with IQ that’s less than you like, but nevertheless surprises you with how good it is considering? That, coupled with an utterly joyous shooting experience is why I love my imperfectly perfect Fujifilm X10 compact camera.
This image was shot with in-camera black and white film simulation mode, and slight contrast and structure adjustments applied in Snapseed app.

Way Up There: Mt Buller


After arriving in Mansfield (High County, Victoria) and settling into our accommodations, the idea of a ramble around the area turned into an impromptu cruise up to Mt Buller, the famous ski destination.
While the air down in Mansfield was hot, the delicious chill of alpine air was a relief. We spent a brief while around Pendergast Hut near the Mt Buller summit car park, enjoying the exquisite perfume of the alpine grasses, before heading back for tea.

Dead And Buried: Mansfield cemetery


The Mansfield cemetery is one that beckons you in to explore its historic graves, with some telling the story of pioneering families lost dreadfully over the life of its surviving matriarch, and others of heroic stands made and failed against the legendary Ned Kelly gang.