Four kids, six yabbies, a bucket, and a cruising canoe

I think I may love this photo even more than the last one posted – the kids (who couldn’t have been more perfectly arranged if I’d attempted it) are so engrossed with their yabbies, and the fisherman in the canoe at the top left corner shows that the lake was host to a range of recreational pursuits.

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Good Old-fashioned Fun: a lake, some kids, and six yabbies

These days it can be hard to interest kids in doing anything that doesn’t involve technology, so I was a bit surprised when friends’ kids spent the past 18 hours engrossed in activities involving yabbies fished from Lake Charlegrark, while the adults yarned around the campfire. All six of the yabbies were given names, although they seemed to be quite changeable depending on which kid was holding the yabby!

This photo sums up the energy of the overnight camping trip: playful, joyous, and relaxed.

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Ominous Skies @ Stawell Railway Station

The old Stawell Railway Station is still in use as a gallery space, and undoubtedly for many photo shoots too.

On this visit, I was blessed with a dramatic sky – but nothing like the sky here, which is a figment of my camera’s imagination (art filter) and a bit of extra processing in Picasa.

As we drove around Stawell I thought about the process of editing photos, and I commented to Kerry that modern photos may tell some truths, but more often than not they are full of lies. But how sweetly they are told!

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Junkyard Dogs of Stawell: carnival collage


This highly-coloured “carnival” collage of junkyard images was shot in Stawell this week.

Each photo has a place in my heart, but I’d like to particularly point out the amusing shot of the front half of a small vehicle on the back half of a wrecked utility, which was clearly not heading anywhere (bottom centre).

Also, I enjoyed the chumminess of the two Holden Commodores, being quietly overtaken by lichen (bottom left), and the two trucks – one appearing to be shyly tucked behind a small tree (top centre).

And the oddball trike (centre)… and the abandoned Ford camper (right centre). Well, really, all of them have something to offer!

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Junkyard Dogs of Stawell: truck and angles

When out hunting for things to shoot, often the glimpse of an arrangement of angles (such as the gabled roofs here) is enough to make me stop and back up until I relocate the image I’d briefly caught from a particular angle. But sometimes, as with this shot, it then takes a while to recreate it as an image like the one you saw in your head.

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